In the heart of Res Publica Romana are the Roman projects we work with, support and endorse. All our Cives Romani (full citizens) have an option to pay their annual tax (membership fee) by submitting a Roman project to be included here. Res Publica Romana also works in collaboration with other Roman organisations by organising joint projects with them and promoting their projects here. With this practical, down to earth, approach Res Publica Romana wants to make its contribution for the research, preservation and reinvigorating the Roman culture.
If you want your project to be promoted here, please contact us!
Sacellum Minervae Project

An official Res Publica Romana poject approved by the Senatus RPR. Planning and constructing a small shrine, sacellum, for the goddess of wisdom, Minerva. Volunteer help in research, planning and construction is needed as well as donations welcomed. Read more how you can contribute for the unique educational Roman religion project here.
Res Publica Romana Official Calendar and other RPR merchandise – Taberna Curii

A beautiful poster-size wall calendar that includes Roman dates with ancient Roman festivals marked in the calendar. From the RPR webshop, Taberna Curii, you can also find other RPR products such as mugs and clothing. Read more.
Citizenship project: Cursus Honorum by Cn. Aelius Merula

“As a history teacher, I run a voluntary project with my younger students. They choose to follow a set of criteria/tasks that move them along in the Roman political life. This encourages them to learn about Roman history and politics from the later Roman Republic.
Students, and our teachers, choose Roman names and work their way through the Army and Political life. They later take part in a two day debate wearing togas and supporting their senatorial grouping.
Annually these approximately 28 students also learn basic Latin using the Minimus course and Ritchie’s Latin Primer.”
Signa Romanorum

Signa Romanorum, the signs of the Romans, what they left us for a perpetuing memory of their virtues and abilities. This project has the goal to discover what and how many evidences still exist, in this hard task to classify these signs in all the corners of what once was the empire of Rome. Project lists Roman aqueducts, amphitheaters, arches, circuses, columns, buildings, mausoleums, walls bridges, gates, roads, theaters, temples and baths from Roman era. Read more.
Vox populi – learn Latin through modern conversations

The e-book that teaches Latin like a modern language. Enjoy the story of college students Annika, Cordus, Astur, and Hortensia as they order pizza, study, play computer games, and go to parties. Use it to make the leap to orality in Latin. Read more.
Nobilitas – Roman nobility at the end of republic

Nobilitas is a research and publication project about the most important Roman noble families between the years 150 – 50 BCE. The project currently publishes a blog about Roman noble families.