What is Res Publica Romana?

by | Dec 17, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Res Publica Romana is a Roman community for promoting ancient Roman culture and modern reconstructionist and research projects of ancient Rome. We welcome as citizens all students, researchers, enthusiasts, reconstructionists, experimental archaeologists, living history practioners, re-enactors, members and citizens of other Roman organisations and religio romana practioners.

bridgeWe are registered as a non-profit organisation in Sweden with focus to be active internationally with religious, historic and cultural interest related to ancient Rome. We have chosen to model our organisation according to the principles of ancient Roman republic in order to build a Roman community.

We promote and support activities related to re-enactment and reconstructionalism as well academic research and all other activities related to ancient Roman culture. Our aim is to be a uniting hub for Roman enthusiasts and professionals and to promote our own projects as well as projects and efforts of other Roman organisations, groups and communities. We have chosen to do this a Roman community, which necessites, in our view, adopting certain ancient Roman principles and ways of doing things.

What we do?

columnRes Publica Romana works for romanitas. The work is done by working, supporting and promoting projects that:

  • Work to reinstate Roman virtues culture and community.
  • Make Roman history come alive through work with living history and experimental archaeology.
  • Arrange worship and rituals for the Roman ancestor spirits and gods.
  • Support research of Roman history and associated archaeological work.
  • Produce musical, dramatic, pedagogic, cinematic and literary Roman works.
  • Integrate music, theatre, films and other cultural expressions in the other activities of Res Publica Romana itself.
  • Engage women, men, youths and children from all cultures all over the world in the romanitas.

You can read more about our current projects here.

We collaborate with different organisations and groups in order to help our projects as well as to gather all modern Romans to meet with each other.

You can read more about our collaboration with other organisations and groups here.

Interested to become a citizen of Res Publica Romana?

senatusOur citizenship is open for everyone. We welcome as citizens all students, researchers, enthusiasts, reconstructionists, experimental archaeologists, living history practioners, re-enactors, members and citizens of other Roman organisations and religio romana practioners.

We have two-level system of citizenship: friends and citizens. You can choose level of citizenship that suits best your wishes. As a friend of RPR you can take part most of our activities and as full citizen, who has taken all the steps in cursus civium -process, take part into our administration as well as all our activities.

Read more how to become a citizen and leave your application at our Villa Publica (Censor’s Office) -site.

Read more about laws and regulations we work according to at the Tabularium (Archives) -site.

Where to find more information about us

Our website is the hub of all of our activities. From there you can find links to read more about our current activities, find contact information of our magistrates and apply for citizenship.

The listing of our current magistrates can be found from here and the listing of our senators from here.

A short presentation about us can also be found from Slide Share -service.

Our citizens are gathered in RPR Contio -mailing list and discussion group for informal discussion and for official announcements.

Our friends and supporters are gathered at the RPR Forum in the Facebook.

Villa Publica is the site of our office of censores, who are responsible for upkeeping the citizen register, from there you can find all information about applying and being a citizen of Res Publica Romana.

Tabularium Licinia is our community archives. From there you can find all information about our laws and regulations.

L. Licinius Lucullus
Consul Res Publica Romana