We are accepting new citizens – join us!

by | Dec 17, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


Res Publica Romana is a Roman community for promoting ancient Roman culture and modern reconstructionist and research projects of ancient Rome. We welcome as citizens all students, researchers, enthusiasts, reconstructionists, experimental archaeologists, living history practioners, re-enactors, members and citizens of other Roman organisations and religio romana practioners. We are happy to announce that we are now accepting new citizens, apply for your citizenship today!


Republican Rome today: a modern synthesis.

We of Res Publica Romana are modern Romans living our lives according to the values, ethics and culture of the Republic of ancient Rome. We exemplify the best of the past, updated to today’s world.

 We are a community spread all over the world, joined in a Roman community by our common vision of Romanitas.

It is Rome that inspires and directs us in our daily lives: whether we are speaking Latin, engaging in philosophy, building temples to the gods, embodying Roman values of courage, friendship, loyalty and devotion to duty.

As students, scientists, teachers, soldiers, politicians, parents, children, we honour and live the Roman virtues which made Roma Antiqua flourish.

Venite; join us and live a life of Romanitas!

Interested to become a citizen of Res Publica Romana?

Our citizenship is open for everyone. We welcome as citizens all students, researchers, enthusiasts, reconstructionists, experimental archaeologists, living history practioners, re-enactors, members and citizens of other Roman organisations and religio romana practioners.

We have two-level system of citizenship: friends and citizens. You can choose level of citizenship that suits best your wishes. As a friend of RPR you can take part most of our activities and as full citizen, who has taken all the steps in cursus civium -process, take part into our administration as well as all our activities.

Read more how to become a citizen and leave your application at our Villa Publica (Censor’s Office) -site!

Written by:
L. Licinius Lucullus
Consul Res Publica Romana