Cooperation between RPR and Roman Republic

by | Jul 25, 2017 | Res Publica Romana | 0 comments

We are excited to announce a cooperation between RPR and Roman Republic!

Here is the introduction of Roman Republic:

romanrepublic logo

The Roman Republic is a unique cultural national community which is represented by the registered non-profit corporation called the Roman Republic Cultural Group. Our basic and fundamental principles are outlined in our Declaration. Those who become members (also referred to as citizens) are provided the opportunity to live as Romans and to carry on the legacy of the eternal city!

What separates us from other “interest groups” or historical reenactment organizations is that we seek to incorporate Roman virtues and culture into our everyday lives, to follow the Roman way (Romanitas). When it comes to Roman culture we seek to live and breathe restored cultural practices, from the ancient Roman virtues, to art, philosophy and religion.

We wholeheartedly believe Romanitas of antiquity laid the foundation and strengths of today’s modern western culture. Because of this we seek to embrace and live the old ways as much as possible while acknowledging the modern world and progress made.

We strive to exist as much offline as we do online. Citizens gain access to a multitude of resources to assist in living as a Roman and learning about ancient Rome. Beyond mere resources we also provide an active Roman community within our Republic. You will encounter many interesting people who share many of the same passions on Rome. We welcome you to join us in our adventure towards the restoration of a national community dedicated to Romanitas and ancient Roman culture!

RPR wishes Roman Republic success in their work and we’ll hope to hear news about how their work is progressing soon.

Interested having your Roman group / community / association introduced here? RPR welcomes all Roman organisations as partners. Please read further information about our cooperation policy here and contact our consules for further information.